Shark Stainless Steel DE Blades


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Shark Super Stainless Double Edge Razor Blades are Egyptian made but world-renowned, each made from only the highest quality steel. Each individual blade is PTFE-coated for extra durability and no disappointment when achieving that long-desired, ultra-close shave.

Shark are a brand that have earned their reputation, delivering quality shaves for years to barbers and enthusiasts worldwide. With the Shark Super Stainless Double Edge Razor Blades the company continues in that same rich vein, with each individually wrapped blade capable of providing a close and reliable shave every time. Designed to work with all double edge razors, the blades provide exceptional value in comparison to cartridge equivalents, providing countless shaves with the same standard of smoothness.

Shark Super Stainless Double Edge Razor Blades can be used with any double edged safety razor or snapped in half and used in a shavette.

Shark Stainless Steel DE Blades

Shark Stainless Steel DE Blades
